
The Climate App

Position: Interaction Designer

Duration: Feb 2020 - Aug 2020

Tools: Pen & Paper, Figma, Miro, Trello

Feel free to check out The Climate App website.


The Climate App is a nonprofit organization located in the UK, that was founded in 2019. I volunteer and collaborate with a small team of UX designers/researchers to help move this app towards its optimal state. 

With this app, you’ll be able to see your personal progress in data points and graphs, while getting inspired by what others are doing too.


User Flow

I identified basic user attributes and pain points from user interviews, and from there our team moved into solving those user goals through our flow. As well as implementing gamification methods to keep users engaged and motivated to stick. to sustainable habits.


Consolidated UserFlow


After coming together to present our user flows, we found we had many similarities between our ideas. We consolidated, eliminated, and adjusted our user flows to best fit our user goals and pain points. 


Mood Board

Our team conducted a mood board exercise to visually express our ideas for the app going forward.

I expressed that we should have animations, a bright color palette, and interactive graphs for CO2 tracking.

Style Guide

As a team we came to agreement that we wanted bright colors with a 'fun' font. We wanted to stand out compared to other environmental app competitors, which tended to use more serious tones and information heavy approach. We wanted to highlight gamification to motivate users to reach their goals, as well as use friendly features to elicit accomplishment or positive peer pressure toward our users.


Final Notes

I had a wonderful time with The Climate App. The designers I worked with, Susy May Snow and Miranda Slayter, were wonderful and I learned so much from them. It was a blast to have had the opportunity to work towards a healthier and more sustainable planet. Unfortunately due to other demands in my life, I was not able to continue my efforts with The Climate App. That being said, it was a wonderful and fruitful opportunity and I wish the best to The Climate App. Please check out their website and consider donating to such an amazing team and cause!!


Portfolio made with coffee and a loud ? playlist

©2023 Portfolio by Tanya Wickham